Saturday, February 27, 2010
The way of your study.. is it right?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Check your money flow
Nowadays, students around Malaysia get study loan from various sources for example, Mara, PTPTN, and others. What exactly they do with the money? Do they use it wisely? Most of students use money for something that is less important. Things that can be classified as important are for example fees, laptops and books. But as a teenager, they love expensive stuff just because they want to look stylish. Sometimes, it is not because of the stuff itself that they need, but just because of the brand. It is true when we buy something expensive such jeans and shoes, it may last longer than the cheaper one but don’t forget to save even a small partition of our money for saving because we don’t really know what is waiting for us in the future. Saving from now can lead us to a brighter future. We may use it for our marriage, perform Hajj or even starting a business…
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Valentines Day : How Students Celebrates?
14 February is the date where a couple will take note of it. This is the day where a couple will express their love to each other and celebrate it in many ways such as a man will give his girfriends a bunch of flowers or a romantic present – chocolate. For a woman, some of them bravely take a risk by using no panties for that day as sign to make a sex with their boyfriends. This is what happened in some university nowadays. The female students become eager to celebrate this Valentines Day with their couples and willing to makes sex together. Unbelieveable, some of them launched the campaign “No Panties On Valentines Day” at their campus. This is really asshamed. How come an educated students make this kind of stupid things? Then the problem such as child prodigy will come out as what happened to our country lately. This is too much. As a Muslim students, never celebrates this day as it was prohibited in Islam.
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Not only a good friend can guide or shows a good byword to us. Either good or bad friends, both of it can affect us. But normally, if someone wants to make friends with others reasons, their friendship cannot stand for a long time. It always been these kind of friendship at campus. For example, when someone getting famous or have an important position in campus, there will be someone who want to make friends with them to make sure they also have the same advantage. Effects of this, their friendship will not remain longer.
A little bird has told that ‘respect the others if you want to be respected’. This principle must be one of the basic lines in friendship. If people do not have this kind of attitude in their life, how come they can make friends with people surrounds them. For all that we know, we can make friends with anybody that we want but for sure true friends will coloured the friendship that shared together and make the friendship’s love grow fonder every second pass by.
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Love is a feeling that everybody can feel it. Teenagers like us always want to loves and to be loves. That is the most exciting part in our teenager’s life. Love in campus is the common issue right now. We agree that a few years back, love maybe a bourdon to student, but nowadays it become a trend in every campus. We should give positive feedback for is as long as it does not effect our focus on study and future. Sometimes, love can give us inspiration for us to be more focus and responsible toward our study. It is a normal thing that we hope our lover will be become our future husband or wife. That definitely can encourage us to study hard and get a good result in order to have a better life in future. As a conclusion, falling in love while in campus is fine, as long as long we are able to manage between our love life and study. Tried it out and Good Luck!
keep your body and mind fit!